Today we spent almost the whole day diaper free. That's right folks, Bubba said he wanted underpants so I went with it. We went to the grocery accidents. We went to the accidents. We came home and took a nap and the potty gods smiled on accidents. Shortly after waking up, Bubba sat on the potty. We read 3 books, then he said all done and pulled up his "unnerwear" and we left the bathroom. About 30 seconds later we had an accident. No big deal, we changed into clean underwear and pants and went to play. Still doing great only one accident. After dinner, we have the following conversation:
Bubba: "Poopin!"
Me: "Lets go sit on the potty!! Come On!"
Bubba: "No! No Potty....need diaper. Gotta Poop."
I'm not sure if this is really a set back, or progress. I do know I'll save a ton in diapers if he keeps it up.
Tell me readers! What are your adventures in potty training?