Saturday, April 30, 2011

Kale Chips and other food subterfuge

In the eternal battle to get Bubba to actually eat a vegetable, I think I'm losing. The only actual veggie he's eaten since turning two is one slice of a pickled beet on Easter. Yes, you read that right...pickled beet. Who knew?! He doesn't eat fries, or carrots, or green beans or peas. I've hidden veggies in brownies, yogurt smoothies, meatballs, and chicken nuggets. I've bought yogurt that has veggies pre-hidden. I've bought juice with veggies mixed in. The only daily serving of veggies he gets is the one from his can of Chef Boy R Dee Spaghetti-O's as far as I can tell.

So, I keep hearing about how kids LOVE these Kale Chips everyone is making. I figure why not, $1.05 = 1 pound of Kale at my grocery store. Even if he doesn't eat them we didn't break the bank right? Ok, and $8 for some decent Parmesan to put on top of them. So 9 dollars worth of chips now. Sounding less enticing. Throw in the olive oil and kosher salt (which of course we already have) and I'm figure $10 ish for a bag of what are supposed to taste like potato chips. Yikes.

As Bubba sleeps I wash and tear and coat and bake Kale. Kale is kind of smelly if you want my opinion; like roasting Brussels sprouts. It takes 15 minutes, so in the meantime I eat a fluffer-nutter sandwich. Yet another thing I just can't believe Bubba won't eat. I take them out and boy are they tasty. Salty (maybe a little too, but Bubba will like that) and crispy and oily. Yum.

When Bubba wakes up, the truth will tell. In the meantime I assure everyone he'll actually eat a salad before leaving for college (well, maybe.)!


  1. Good luck! Let me know if he likes them. I'd totally make those for Mags. They sound yummy.

  2. They are totally yummy, but he won't even taste them. He said they look ucky.

  3. They do sound good! I might have to get the recipe from you!
