Friday, November 12, 2010
Adventures in Potty Training
Bubba: "Poopin!"
Me: "Lets go sit on the potty!! Come On!"
Bubba: "No! No Potty....need diaper. Gotta Poop."
I'm not sure if this is really a set back, or progress. I do know I'll save a ton in diapers if he keeps it up.
Tell me readers! What are your adventures in potty training?
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Boys are....well....Boys!
As a female, during life before Bubba, I heard people with boys say "they're just boys" or "that's just how boys are" and would always think to myself how really different can they be? Now, as the mother of a boy, I see vast differences that truly are ingrained in a boys psyche. Bubba has a cousin about the same age, and a girl, and especially when the two of them are together the differences are noticeable.
As a boy he makes his presence known, no matter what. He will use a stick or any other item for that matter as a knife, a bat, and/or a gun. No one showed him that...he just deep down primal knew it. If given a pile of toys, he'll gravitate to a ball or a car before a puzzle or a shape sorter. This isn't to say that he never plays with dolls, or never plays with puzzles, but only after playing cars or balls for awhile. Boys are instinctually physical too. He delights in literally throwing his weight around.
In any case, moms of both, moms of boys, and moms of girls, have you noticed these genetic codes in your own kids?
Monday, August 30, 2010
Bento is Fun!
Next, I molded him a hard boiled egg shaped like a bunny and painted it with food coloring. To make the egg you need an egg mold, then you put the warm egg in the mold and chill. This is a previously rejected food, so I'm hoping the cute factor gets his attention. I put the egg into a cupcake paper left over from Easter that had eggs and bunnies on it. Then surrounded it with apples and grapes.
Here was the completed Bento. Unfortunately, chicken requires ketchup so I need to find some cute little cups to put condiments in.
What do I think of Bento? That I'm an addict, and probably a complete nut. Honestly, do kids need cute food? Probably not, but what fun!
Monday, August 16, 2010
I made my own Yogurt ---- And it was Good!
My first attempt followed the times on the recipe, and the result was less than appealing. It was lumpy and there was more whey than lumps. It tasted like sour milk, but not tangy like yogurt. I figured that my milk was too hot when I added my starter yogurt, but because I didn’t temp anything I had no idea by how much. So I tried again.
Take 2 was infinitely more successful. I used Whole Organic milk, pasteurized but not ultra-pasteurized. Apparently, from my research, ultra-pasteurized does not have enough bacteria to culture. I also used Stoneyfield Farms 2% plain yogurt, I would have used Whole here too but the store I went to didn’t carry it. I used the temperature probe on my Crockpot to heat my milk to 180 degrees. Then I turned it off. My Crockpot took a full hour longer to cool to anywhere close to 110 degrees, and I lost patience at 113 degrees and without measuring anything whisked together some of my milk and starter yogurt. Then I put it all back in my Crockpot and wrapped it in a down blanket overnight.
This morning I was pleasantly surprised to open my Crockpot to a beautiful sort of pudding like substance with a slight sheen of green whey on top. I used a few paper towels to soak up the whey and then tasted my masterpiece – I was surprised by how mild it was and how tasty warm yogurt is! I scooped out my yogurt into Tupperware and its chilling in my fridge now. I honestly felt like an idiot when the first batch didn’t turn out. Nomads made yogurt over a fire, so why couldn’t I in my kitchen. I’m very glad I persisted and yogurt making may become part of my weekend routine! The best part is I didn't even need a yogurt maker.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Bubby 1: Mommy 0
Thursday: No Crying
Friday: Complete Melt Down
Saturday: No crying followed by a complete meltdown requiring a car ride to go to sleep
Sunday: No Drama at all
Monday: He figured out that he doesn't have to cry at all.
Thus Bubba 1, Mommy 0.
Because he's not quite 2 years old, and because I prefer even mangled English to ear piercing screams and kicking, I always and without fail respond to "Momma Please." I know this is not really a declarative sentence, but if you've ever had a not quite two year old you'd realize that even questions sound declarative and often lack a subject, verb and/or interrogative.
So tonight, Monday Night, Bubba went down without a fuss. Waited 5 or 6 minutes then called out "Momma Please." I, as I always do when he behaves so grown up, went and submitted to his will. 45 minutes later, he's asleep. We sang, we rocked, we lay in my bed, we rocked some more. He dozed, woke up and said random names and words completely out of context, then dozed some more. I tried to put him in his bed, "Momma No Night Night." Ummmm Ok, we rocked some more. Bubba glared up at me, eyes rolling back in his head, before finally passing out completely, dropping the Kermit the Frog and Fozzy Bear he'd been clutching the entire time, and allowed me to lay him in his own bed.
Yup, I'm pretty sure that makes the score Bubba 1 and Mommy zero.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
The Bedtime Wars
He currently takes an entire menagerie to bed with him including a Curious George, a Nemo, a stuffed Dog and a Grover. He requires two blankets, one to scrunch up and one to lay under. He sucks his thumb and now he slams the hamper lid on his way out. My problem is he's stubborn. He comes by it honestly, his father and I are as stubborn as they come. I suppose when he's successful we'll call it tenacity, for now I just call it sleepy.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
And really, if you haven't watched the Muppet Movie lately you should. All sorts of releveant things in there, bollywood references, interspecies dating, and even Instagrow pills. But movin' right along....
This post was about Food Porn. Food Porn even has an actual website, where people post pictures of lovely looking food. The whole idea of food porn got me thinking though. Are we overdoing diets? Is this aq backlash against "Fat America"? Who knows for sure, but if you know me, then you know I have an opinion.
I think its some of both. American's have gotten fatter than ever. There's a website for that too, go figure! is basically a sales site for a book that was written relating economic factors to weight gain. This is interesting to me in a couple of respects. One, if you look at literature from countries where famine is prevelant or even authors like Chaucer, you'll see that Fat is equated to Wealthy. So this idea of economic factors making people fat is not a new one. Second, and more interesting, is what impact does the economy have on the "Have Nots" of a society? Are our poorest members the fattest or thinest? That I don't have a website for, but the Oxford University Press did produce an article titled "Association between socioeconomic status, weight, age and gender, and the body image and weight control practices of 6- to 19-year-old children and adolescents." A short and pithy title if I do say so myself. The study, done by Jennifer A. O'Dea and Petere Caputi came to the conclusion that lower socioeconomic children tended towards overweight.
So, what do I think? I think size does matter. I think that our least expensive foods are the worst for you. I think food porn is awesome!